Monday, February 2, 2015

Week 3

Journal Entry 3

Heyo, it's that time again! Time for more of my ramblings, in print!
This week is the week I finished my Personal Mission Statement. It's in bold because it's important. Also, I'll be discussing the goal I posted into You'll be able to tell what subject I'm talking about by looking at the bold headings above, in case you couldn't tell in the last few posts.

My Personal Mission Statement

Okay, first you can read it, then I'll talk about it. If you get bored and want to skip to the end, I put the end in bold so you don't miss it. Brace yourself, it's a doozy!

The Mission Statement of Joshua Blanton II:

I am at my best when I'm creating something cool or helping others.
I will try to prevent times when I feel unappreciated, overworked, or frustrated.
I will enjoy my work by finding employment where I'm needed, and know that I'm making a difference in the lives of the people around me.
I will find enjoyment in my personal life through making art, playing music, or even building things. Anything where I'm creating something new.
I will find opportunities to use my natural talents and gifts such as art, music, creativity, wearing socks until they have holes in them, giving advice, cooking, listing positive qualities, reading people, recognizing actors from other movies they were in, organization, and learning quickly.
I can do anything I set my mind to. I will build my own galaxy. Because seriously, that would be awesome. And why stop there?
My life's journey is about learning some things, because learning is always something great to do when you don't know what else to do. Living life for God, because that's more important than being rich, famous, or successful. I suppose somewhere along the way, I'd like a family of my own. I'll leave that part to God, though. If I can always be happy with whatever I do, then it doesn't matter too much what I do! As long as it's God's will for me, It'll be a great life.
I will be a person who'd done more with his life than anyone ever thought possible. Who'd helped more, created more, accomplished more, and cared more than anyone had before him.
My most important future contribution to others will be that because of me, they never had to spend their lives worrying about money. That because of me, they always had a shoulder to lean on and an ear to listen. That because of me, they had someone they could depend on, no matter what..
I will stop procrastinating and start working on:
  • Getting around to cleaning my room sometime.
  • Working out a bit more.
  • Writing more often.

I will strive to incorporate the following attributes into my life:
  • Courage for God
  • Imagination
  • Insight

I will constantly renew myself by focusing on the four dimensions of my life:
  • Eating healthy, exercise, and getting out in the fresh air once in a while.
  • Regular Bible study, giving God control over my life, and keeping myself open to His direction for me,
  • Constantly reading something new, designing something new, and staying well fed with new ideas and concepts.
  • Staying in touch with friends and acquaintances, and keeping close with my family. 

    The end.

    Okay, now is the part where I talk about it. Actually, my fingers hurt from typing it out, so I'll just give you the quick rundown on what I was thinking. 
    There are 3 main values behind the whole thing. I love God, I love others, and I love to create. The rest of it is all the little extra bits that fill it out and give it life. There, that was quick, easy, and painless! Now, on to the stickK commitment I made.

    The StickK Commitment 

    So, I was required to create and commit to a measurable, self-improvement style goal with this website. I decided that if I'm ever gonna get paid for my writing, art, or music, I'm gonna have to get better. Hence, my commitment, starting today, is to draw 1 picture, write 1 page, or play music for 1/2 hour, every day. There's an option to wager money on your ability to persevere with it for a set amount of time, but I'm not rich. Also, I'm not a bettin' man, except at blackjack. It also gave me the option to set a "referee" to keep me accountable, but I don't like the idea of anyone wearing a striped shirt and whistle following me around all the time. Just seems kinda creepy to me, I guess. The final option I had was to publicize my commitment and gather supporters for my noble cause. This is public enough for me, thanks. I'll save my big push for supporters for when I need them most, once I nominate myself dictator of Blantonia. Yeah, that's me planning ahead. 
    What qualities do you think I have to stay committed to my goal, you may ask? I've got plenty of qualities, I answer proudly! For one, those are all thing I love to do! For two(?), writing and art are both big parts of both my classes right now, so I've been doing a page a day already! Finally, for three(?), even if I hated art, writing, and music, and art and music weren't required for my classes, I have some serious persevering power. Just look how long I've been breathing! Breathing is really exhausting too, but I've never quit! 
    Now that I think about it, maybe the first two aren't personal qualities. They sure do help, though. 

    Well, that's all the time we have for today! Remember kids, God made you special, and He loves you very much. Bye!

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